april, 2022
Event Details
Portage is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with special educational needs and their families. Sunningdale School’s National Portage Association Accredited Trainers will be running an introductory workshop for
Event Details
Portage is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with special educational needs and their families. Sunningdale School’s National Portage Association Accredited Trainers will be running an introductory workshop for parents, carers, early years professionals and therapists with responsibility for these children’s wellbeing.
This workshop will be of particular relevance to those working in Early Years Foundation as it will ensure that provision meets the SEND Code of Practice and help you identify children’s needs for their individual Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.
Portage aims to help families develop a quality of life for themselves and their young children which enables them to learn together, play together and participate in community life in their own right. By the end of this programme you will have a deep understanding of:
· The Portage partnership model
· Portage principles and how they can be applied in the home and in settings with young children who have additional needs
· How to use potage strategies, materials and resources and how they can be used in the home and early years settings
· How to plan for success and set long term goals
· The importance of using clear language
· How to use a small steps approach in teaching children new skills through play
· Strategies to overcome barriers to play
· Approaches to help children generalise skills
· Basic appropriate responses and approaches to address behaviour
· Strategies for planning suitable activities, assessing progress and recording children’s successes
On completion of the course you will receive certification as having been trained in Portage principles.
This 2-day course takes place over 25th and 26th April 9am till 4.30pm. You will also be required to attend a follow-up session on friday the 10th 9am -12 when you will receive your certificate.
The course is free for parents with children at Sunningdale and those accessing Sunderland Portage services and costs £160 for professionals inclusive of lunch on both days. You will receive an invoice following confirmation of your place on the programme.
Sunningdale SENhub
monday, april 25, 2022 - tuesday, april 26, 2022
Link School Pallion Conference Centre
Link School Pallion Waverley Terrace, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR4 6TA.
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